Research and innovation
We power transformational change by translating our research and education into real world impact, delivering a greener, healthier, fairer future.
We do this by working in collaborative partnerships with organisations, from large international corporates, national and local government, charities and NGO, and regional SMEs.
Whether you are looking for a long-term research and development partnership or simply to access our laboratories, our team can help.
Exeter Innovation in numbers
Our world-leading research impact has grown 72% since 2014, more than any other Russell Group university.
£1 million
Investment in our research boosts UK productivity, with every £1 million invested in University of Exeter R&D estimated to increase the UK’s productive capacity by £5.2 million.
We are ranked joint 18th globally in the THE Impact Rankings for our progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Collaborative research and innovation
Working with our partners is at the heart of how we seek to make a difference. We channel our research power through partnership collaboration to enable transformational innovation. Whether developing new business processes, products, services or policies, we have an established record of working with organisations to support innovation.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
KTPs give our partners the opportunity to access new expertise, develop new products and services, and unlock industry-leading solutions – all at a reduced cost.
At Exeter Innovation, we are the leading Knowledge Base partner for KTPs in South West England, with a 95% KTP funding success rate, and National KTP Award winners for ‘Business Impact and Transformation’ and ‘Technical Excellence’ (2022).
Sponsor a PhD
Through Industrial Studentships industry partners gain access to the knowledge and expertise of university staff, students and facilities.
An Industrial Studentship is a form of doctoral funding (e.g. PhD, MbyRes) awarded to a student with relevant academic merit - often a recent graduate or a company employee. The funding is attached to a specific project which is determined by the industry partner.
Download: Exeter Innovation - Sponsored PhDs
Our researchers can apply their skills and expertise to help your organisation develop solutions to overcome challenges. We can help with, with:
- Technical, economic, environmental and commercial reporting
- Policy and procedural guidance
- Expert advice on new products
- Advisory group membership
- Guidance on clinical trials
- Expert witnesses
- Managed access to University facilities
The University of Exeter offers state-of-the-art Research Facilities for businesses, providing access to advanced technologies, specialist equipment, and expert knowledge. These facilities support innovation, R&D, and collaboration across sectors, enabling businesses to benefit from our world-class expertise and cutting-edge resources.
Accelerate your business
We support entrepreneurs, founders, and potential high-growth businesses to thrive and grow. Whether you are starting or growing your business, our programmes, events, and networks will support your venture throughout its development, connecting you to the right support when you need it most. Since 2021, we've supported over 100+ members on this journey. We can also assist you with access to hot-desks and starter office spaces via the Exeter Science Park.
Next-Gen insight
We work with you to challenge conventional thinking, push boundaries, and take the right risks at the right time. When you partner with us, your team becomes equipped with the skills, talent, and insight to drive transformative innovation in your sector.
Across Climate Science, Environment & Sustainability, Health & Wellbeing, Secure Communities, Data Science & AI, Future & Emerging Technology, our world-leading researchers, educators, and innovators are working in dynamic partnerships to deliver a greener, healthier, and fairer future for everyone.
Exeter Innovation in Cornwall
The Exeter Innovation team has a strong presence in Cornwall. The team spearhead the University’s contribution to the economic regeneration and wider civic life of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, through engagement with private and public sector stakeholders. Activities involve directly supporting businesses to develop, grow and innovate and linking the University's academic expertise with organisations to drive impact and innovation, aligned with our Strategy 2030 and the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Civic Universities Agreement.