Partnerships in focus

Working in partnership is at the heart of our approach to creating a healthier, greener, and fairer world for all.

We work with partners who share our values, and together, we build the tools, technology, policies, and solutions that overcome the most significant challenges of our time.

Our dedicated teams work closely with organisations, from SMEs to global enterprises, NGOs to policymakers. We offer tailored support, ensuring our partners are equipped to achieve their goals.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact in our communities and the world by harnessing our unique strengths, resources, and expertise.

Let’s work together 


Exeter Innovation in numbers


Each year we work with partners on over 2,000 projects of various sizes


We provide R&D, skills and growth solutions with a total value of £110M


Our regional innovation projects provide over 1500 enterprises business support


Partnerships in focus